Product Description
The demand for spectrum bandwidth continues to rise as the number of wireless devices increases. Advances in wireless technology provide broader, more complex signals which compels Regulators to license broader bandwidths to alleviate crowding of traditional frequencies.
The result is an increasingly challenging spectrum environment for Regulators to manage. As the value of the spectrum increases, so does the need to optimize spectrum utilization. Spectrum Monitoring is the first step to optimizing spectrum utilization.
759 System Configuration
TCI’s Model 759 Compact Spectrum Monitoring System (CSMS) is modular and scalable, built around a compact processor incorporating a high performance receiver and digital signal processor. The base configuration consists of two processors providing a dual-channel monitoring and DF capability. One CSMS processor is tasked as the DF reference channel and the second as the sample channel to provide a 2-channel monitoring and AOA DF solution with embedded TDOA capabilities, and 6 RF inputs. The CSMS Modules are IP67 rated for simple, low-cost outdoor installations. The Model 759 can be configued with a wide selection of monitoring, DF and directional antennas to meet the full range of Spectrum Regulator monitoring requirements. TCI’s exclusive wideband architecture and up to eight narrowband digital downconverter (DDC) channels enable the Model 759 to search crowded signal environments to identify, geolocate and record signals of interest quickly and accurately. Selectable receiver IF bandwidth and a wide choice of processor measurement bandwidths, combined with high system sensitivity, a low noise figure and high in-band dynamic range maximize system performance for ITU monitoring applications and modern 5G signal analysis.
Ready for Today and Tomorrow
The combination of wide frequency range, high instantaneous bandwidth, low noise figure, low phase noise and high dynamic range make TCI’s Model 759 ideally suited to detect, analyze and locate modern signals and to meet today’s 5G and tomorrow’s 6G spectrum monitoring and management challenges.
Proactive Monitoring
TCI’s Model 759 with its feature rich hardware and software enables Spectrum Regulators to embrace Proactive Spectrum Monitoring (PSM). With increased use of the radio spectrum and the proliferation of low-power emitters operating in close proximity, the need for monitoring the radio spectrum 24/7 has gained more importance. With the advent of 5G/6G services, the enforcement of exclusion zones, validation of antenna beam tilt and confirmation of EIRP (In-Band and Out-of-Band) is a necessity to ensure incumbent services can coexist with new spectrum allocations. With the TCI 759, regulators have at their disposal a multifunctional spectrum monitoring system with optional tools such as signal analysis that enables fine-grained spectrum data collection, using optional onboard 2 TB SSD storage. With continuous monitoring, it is now possible to establish an operational baseline to detect variations based on seasonality, cyclicality, or periodicity. The TCI Model 759 is equipped with a GPS receiver to enable accurate time stamping of the measurement data that also includes relevant metadata related to location, time, measurement parameters and equipment information.
I/Q Recording, Lookback Buffer, Streaming & Analysis
Signal I/Q recordings can be triggered based on alarms or activated manually by the operator. The signal I/Q data can be recorded and stored using the optional on-board SSD storage for subsequent processing. This alleviates the need to support high bandwidth backhaul links, one of the key limitations in site selection and operating costs or the need for an external I/Q recorder. A dedicated IQ capture Lookback buffer is available to precisely retrieve I/Q signal information. This enables capture of all relevant information associated with a Signal-of-Interest, specifically transients or other short duration signals to AID meaningful signal analysis and interference detection.
Signal Analysis
TCI’s advanced signal analysis options extend TCI’s Scorpio Spectrum Monitoring systems with a powerful suite of functionality for advanced signal detection, wideband recording, modulation recognition, signal recognition identification and wideband/narrowband IQ streaming over 10 GbE interface to external systems. These capabilities harness’s the TCI Model 759’s radio receiver, powerful on-board multi processors, narrowband digital down converters (DDCs), signal recording using built-in the onboard SSD storage, 10 GbE streaming IQ streaming in VITA 49 format and Time Division Duplexing Analysis to offer a fully integrated solution. All necessary processing resources are located within each processor and are accessible remotely from operator workstations located anywhere in the network – thereby providing the highest level of flexibility and operational efficiency to the user.
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